Principal's Message


Our endeavour at AJC Public School is to provide the platform where our students can take up the opportunity and the challenge to do the things they are capable of and rise to their potential, on all fronts – curricular and co-curricular.

Action packed, fun filled times with joys aplenty, disappointments a few, opportunities and challenges beckoning and all of us enthusiastically striving forward. And the journey goes on.

A school is always a ?world in miniature? where one receives a ?training for life?, where effective, meaningful and joyful learning takes place. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life ? to accept challenges, face competition, defeat and failure, and rejoice at victory and triumph.

We are committed to traditional Indian values and culture for children to keep a connect with their identity, but we also recognise the need for a global perspective in life.

Educational institutions are aplenty, all of which impart learning, but it is our prayer that our students go out into the world with the strength, not only to reach and excel in their professional aspirations, but to remain beautiful human beings.

Our students are facing many emerging issues such as global warming, famine, poverty, health issues, a global population explosion and other environmental and social issues. These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate, function and create change personally, socially, economically and politically on local, national and global levels. Even kindergarten children can make a difference in the world by participating in real-life, real-world service learning projects. You?re never too young, or too old, to make your voice heard and create change that makes the world a better place. Emerging technologies and resulting globalization also provide unlimited possibilities for exciting new discoveries and developments such as new forms of energy, medical advances, and restoration of environmentally ravaged areas, communications, and exploration into space and into the depths of the oceans. The possibilities are unlimited. At Templeton Academy International we recognize the critical need for developing 21st century skills.